
You may have preconceived images of lacquerware as being expensive, delicate and difficult-to-handle, but that is far from the truth. Lacquerware is simply the tableware that you can easily and inexpensively add as a natural refinement to delicately season the atmosphere of your home. The more the lacquerware is used in your daily life, the more its intrinsic beauty comes to life along with the transition in tones.


The key attraction of lacquerware is that it allows you to touch and feel the warmth of the wood along with its smoothness and mildness. Lacquerware would undoubtedly enlighten your daily meals and make them even more delicious and richer than ever before.


In addition, lacquerware serves wonderfully as gifts to family, friends and business associates as a token of goodwill and to tourists as a tasteful souvenir representing the beauty and exquisiteness of Japanese culture. 


*2023.6.26 updated

黒木紗世氏による針描きが施された蓋物が新しく入荷しております。 文具・小物

*2023.6.19 updated

 様々なぐい呑みが入荷しております。 酒器(片口・盃など) <NEW>